We have a simple privacy statement.
We gather nothing, we divulge nothing… simple.
What about…
IP address
OK there are raw server logs, but we do not snoop into them to track and maintain all IP's that may visit our site.
That's useless information. The only reason I would become concerned with an IP is from spam or hack attempts and then we'll block the IP range.
Email address does not offer any form of list to subscribe to requiring an email repository. If may one day offer general information requiring periodical viewing, it will be offered via RSS.
What about your Contact Form?
Hey, if you contact me then you are offering your email address. What will we do with it? More than likely we will respond to your inquiry or suggestion. Will we keep your email address in a database for any reason? Nope. Sorry, that's just too much time and trouble for a simple homepage such as this.
Cookies are not a privacy concern. Cookies are used for site navigation and not for collecting personal user information. I prefer chocolate chip, and you?